Sophie Berdugo
Associated Student, ICArEHB
Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and Evolution of Human Behaviour (ICArEHB)
FCHS, University of Algarve
Campus de Gambelas
8005-139 Faro
Doctoral Student, Institute of Human Sciences, University of Oxford
Institute of Human Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX2 6NP,
United Kingdom
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2162-1087

Research Interests
Primate technology and culture, social learning, individual variation, developmental research, longitudinal research.

Short Bio
I am a PhD student in Anthropology at the University of Oxford, undertaking a project titled “Developmental Origins of Individual Differences in Chimpanzee Technological Efficiency: A Longitudinal Study of Nut-Cracking in Bossou.” I hold a BA (Hons) in Psychological and Behavioural Sciences from the University of Cambridge, and an MSc in Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology from the University of Oxford. I have extensive teaching and supervisory experience, as well as in science writing and communication.