Rosalind Gillis
Associated Researcher, ICArEHB
Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and Evolution of Human Behaviour (ICArEHB)
FCHS, University of Algarve
Campus de Gambelas
8005-139 Faro
Leiterin das Labor für Archäozoologie,
DAI Referat Naturwissenschaften/Zentral
Im Dol 2-6, Haus 4
14195 Berlin
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4542-3720
Research Interests
My research interests are primarily prehistoric animal husbandry practices across time and space and more recent adaptations of European livestock management systems to novel environments, for example during the age of exploration.
In particular, my research focuses on the evolution and adaption of animal husbandry across different chronological periods in response to socio-environmental factors using a range of archaeozoological and isotopic approaches. Furthermore, I am interested in how animal husbandry practices helped structure prehistoric communities and their environments. I am actively involved in the development of new approaches to study and analyze archaeozoological remains from statistics to novel biomolecular methods using stable isotopes.
Short Bio
An interest in scientific analysis of the remains of human societies began when I was an undergraduate at the University of Edinburgh studying for a degree in Environmental Archaeology (2001: 2.1 hons) followed by a masters in Biomolecular Archaeology (2003: distinction). Prior to embarking on a research career, I was employed by Headland Archaeology Ltd. (Edinburgh) as a project officer where I supervised excavations prior to major infrastructure programs, gaining invaluable field archaeological and management skills including working with international teams.
I was awarded a PhD fellowship in 2008 from the Marie Curie ITN LeCHE (Lactase persistence and the cultural history of Europe) with the CNRS at the MNHN (Paris). Under the supervision of Drs Jean-Denis Vigne and Marie Balasse, I completed my PhD in 2012 with an excellent note from the Sorbonne Universities. I continued the research during my postdocs on the ERC funded projects: SIANHE and NeoMilk. During the NeoMilk project I managed the archaeozoological component of the project.
In November 2016, I joined the ASIL team at CAU (Kiel), where I managed a busy stable isotope preparation lab and initiated research projects to tackle questions about prehistoric husbandry and foddering practices and their impact on the landscape.