New Article by Miguel Serra, João Fonte, Tiago do Pereiro , Rita Dias, João Hipólito, António Neves, Luís Gonçalves Seco, in Actas completas do IV Congresso da Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses.
The Castelos (Beja) and Laço (Serpa) sites are part of a Late Bronze age settlement network, made up of various fortified settlements on the banks of the Guadiana River and other types of settlements in the surrounding area. Their plans and areas of occupation have been poorly documented, with only the identification of a few sections of ramparts and the collection of surface materials. The Odyssey Sensing Project (Alg-01-0247-Feder-070150 –, developed by Era Arqueologia, S.A. in partnership with the Universities of Aveiro and Maia, has carried out high-resolution micro-topographic surveys in both sites using a drone with a LiDAR sensor. This work allowed to define the wall plans and to review the areas of both sites, with the site of Castelos assuming a surprising extension and complexity, compared to the knowledge about other settlements in the region.