Masters Fellowships 2022
Do you want to pursue a master in archaeology to study prehistory?
ICArEHB is offering fellowships (monthly financial support) to motivated students to pursue their master of archaeology at the University of Algarve in Faro, Portugal.
The master of archaeology of the University of Algarve will provide you with the theoretical and practical training (in portuguese) to become a professional archaeologist. It is divided in two years: during the first year you will follow theoretical and practical courses. During the second year, you will pursue a research project, supervised by researcher archaeologist(s), reporting your result in a thesis.
If you are interested in prehistoric archaeology, you can develop your research with one or two of the researchers of ICArEHB, apply and receive an individual fellowship (875.98 € per month plus social security) for the two years.
Check the official announcement of the positions here (PT) or here (EN).
We prepared a simpler version below for the main points.
How to apply:
To apply you must prepare 5 documents:
- A letter of motivation in pdf format, of maximum 500 words, that explains 1) in a first section (one or two paragraphs), why are you interested in archaeology and the study of human evolution, 2) in second section what are your career goals, 3) in the third section, the kind of archaeological project you would like to pursue during the master. To help you for this last section, we have gathered in the table 1 below a few proposals of project that could be pursued in ICArEHB.
- A transcript, in pdf format, of your grades from your bachelors (or equivalent degree that conclude your first three or four years of university), with the final ranking and possibly the grades that you obtained in the different topics. If you are only finishing your bachelors in September 22, please send us the grades from the first five semersters.
- A curriculum-vitae in pdf format with at least the sections “education” and “professional experiences”. Other sections such as “volunteering” or “complementary skills” are encouraged.
- A copy of your identity card.
- This form, filled with your information.
You can also add one or two document(s) that you find relevant. All documents can be in Portuguese or in English.
Evaluation and calendar:
You must submit your application before the 29th of July 2022 (new date), by email or by postal mail.
Your application will be evaluated based on two criteria:
- your grades of bachelor and your extra-curricular experiences (the “merit of the candidate”).
- your motivation letter.
In a second step, selected candidates will be interviewed by videoconference. Selected candidates will be invited before the end of August 2022.
During your master (October 2022 – June 2024):
The fellowship will start from the 1st of October 2022, at the start of the academic year. During the year 2022/2023, you will have classes (in Portuguese) and little time to develop your research project, but you should discuss possibilities regularly with researchers of ICArEHB. You may start your research project between June and September 2023, supervised by at least one researcher of ICArEHB, but there can be a co-supervisor from the same institution or from elsewhere. You will have a full year to conduct your research and write your thesis. The fellowship should finish by the end of June 2024.
Some proposal of research (but not limited to those)
Possible themes of research | Main supervisor |
Dental morphology and population dynamics in recent prehistory | Ricardo Godinho |
Exploração das estratégias de subsistência no concheiro mesolítico do Cabeço da Amoreira, Muge | Anna Rufà Bonache |
Stratigraphy and chronology of the Mazamba formation and its fossils sites (Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique) | Susana Carvalho |
Small mammal paleoecology (taxonomy, taphonomy, and isotopes) from Lapa do Picareiro | Sara E. Rhodes |
Companions of death of life: the appearance of animal remains in human graves between the Neolithic and Bronze age | Cláudia Costa |
Dynamic Occlusal fingerprint analysis applied to the understanding of stone tool use | João Marreiros |
Quantifying social inequality in Portuguese Prehistory: a Gini coefficient based approach applied to domestic spaces. | Hugo Oliveira |
Humans and the ecosystem: using ostracod valve morphology as an indicator of ecological stress | Maria João Martins |
Site Formation and use of fire during the Middle Stone Age using data from a North African cave site in Morocco | Vera Aldeias |
Changes in seawater temperature, coastal resources, and human adaptations in Algarve during the Neolithic transition | Carlos Simões |
Sex estimation of infants (a Geometric Morphometric approach) | Ricardo Godinho |
Modelling the evolution of bipedalism using a terrestrial non-human primate model | Susana Carvalho |
Paleolithic small game exploitation at Lapa do Picareiro | Anna Rufà |
The study of faunal remains in the 1st half of the second millenium in inner Alentejo | Cláudia Costa |
Small mammal paleoecology of the Middle to Upper Paleolithic at Riparo Bombrini, Italy | Sara E. Rhodes |
A library for Quantitative artifact microwear analysis. New methods and techniques for discriminate early stone tool use | João Marreiros |
Modelling the evolution of predatory behaviour in a landscape of little (but increasing) fear | Susana Carvalho |
If you have any questions please contact