Education and Career
ICArEHB is a great place to work and study.

Senior Researcher Position in Prehistoric Archaeology
The Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and Evolution of Human Behavior (ICArEHB at the Universidade do Algarve), seeks to appoint a senior researcher in Prehistoric Archaeology. This will be a 6-year contract (3 years initial contract followed by 3 more year-to-year contract based on evaluation), potentially followed by tenure as full-time researcher. You will join ICArEHB and benefit from recent investment in laboratories, infrastructure and technical support in this area. Deadline: 17th of November, 2022

Positions in ERC Advanced Grant: DISPERSALS
ICArEHB is opening multiple positions in the framework of the ERC Advanced Grant DISPERSALS.

Positions in ERC Advanced Grant: MATRIX
ICArEHB is opening multiple positions in the framework of the ERC Starting Grant MATRIX.

Positions in ERC Consolidator Grant: FINISTERRA
ICArEHB is opening multiple positions in the framework of the ERC Consolidator Grant FINISTERRA.

ICArEHB PhD Fellowships
No calls are currently open.

ICArEHB Masters Fellowships
No calls are currently open.

ICArEHB Seed Fund 2022
The ICArEHB seed fund (ISF) is an annual fund of ICArEHB to allow its members to conduct selected projects of scientific research in human evolution and prehistoric archeology.

Training in Frontier Archaeology – TIFA
TIFAs were imagined because the interdisciplinary nature of archaeology creates, more than in other disciplines, a permanent need to acquire new skills and knowledge at all career stages. During these training events, the addressed topics can be theoretical or highly practical, for example, excavation techniques, sample analyses and data analyses, or even as a roundtable to disseminate knowledge on a particular subject. At some events, you can bring your own data or samples to work on to create working examples during the training event.

ICArEHB Sabbatical Award – ISA
ICArEHB is situated in Faro, a pleasant place to live, think and write. Whether you prefer a walk on the beach or a palabra under the pines, you will find at ICArEHB an intellectually stimulating environment and a research community to conduct your projects. While we will give you all comfort, calm and flexibility to work efficiently, you will also be invited to participate to our monthly Seminar and Journal Club, as well as outreach and training events, and collaborative groups.

Fast Output in Fronteir Archaeology – FOFA
Do you have a nice paper in mind but to make it happen you need to meet with your collaborators for couple days to brainstorm and write your paper without distractions? FOFA can help you!

Prehistoric Archaeology THinktank – PATH
Understanding the evolution of human behaviour and societies is complex, and to achieve more significant perspectives it is often necessary to transcend the limits of our datasets, experiments, and theories. The aim of the PATH is to foster collaborative work to break the current state of knowledge and allow the emergence of new perspectives and conclusions, as can be done in scientific synthesis. The PATH participants will meet, virtually and in Faro, to reflect and produce results that transcend their individual talents, skills, and expertise. Together, they will produce outstanding outputs, typically under the form of a special issue and a white paper, and/or co-authored referenced syntheses. Applications to third-party, outreach actions, policy briefings are also valued outputs.