Degsew Zerihun
Doctoral Student, ICArEHB
Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and Evolution of Human Behaviour (ICArEHB)
FCHS, University of Algarve
Campus de Gambelas
8005-139 Faro
Archaeology Researcher
Authority for research and conservation of cultural heritage (National Museum of Ethiopia)
Cultural research Directorate
ORCID: 0000-0003-4813-7703
Research Interests
African Archaeology, Neolithic Archaeology, Plant and Human Culture, Paleobotany, Palynology
Short Bio
I got my BA Degree in Archaeology and Heritage Management from Addis Ababa University in 2012, and My MA from the same university and department in 2015. For my master’s dissertation, I was focused on the ethnoarchaeological study of wild edible and medicinal plants from Aba’ala, Afar, Ethiopia, to understand early food production. In 2018, I got a scholarship from the European Union. I enrolled in the archaeological material sciences program for a master of sciences. For my dissertation, I conducted research entitled “Non-Pollen Palynomorphs from the Tiber delta area as indicators of past human activity.” Since 2015 I am working as an Archaeology researcher at the Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage (National Museum of Ethiopia) in Addis Ababa. I am responsible for documenting, curation, researching, and conservation of the country’s cultural heritage. Since then, I have been involved in various international and national archaeological and paleontological projects. In 2020, I received the ICArEHB Ph.D. fellowship funded by FCT with the project title of Reconstructing the environmental and agricultural history of the Pre-Aksumite site of Shire:
A multiple palaeobotanical and Environmental proxies (Supervisors Dr. Ana Gomes and Dr. Hugo Oliveira).