Carolina Mallol

Associated Researcher, ICArEHB

Instituto Universitario de Bioorgánica Antonio González
Avenida Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez, 2
38206 La Laguna

Research Interests

• Geoarchaeology
• Microstratigraphy
• Palaeolithic Archaeology
• Archaeological fire

Short Bio

Dr Mallol has a 2004 Ph.D. inAnthropology from Harvard University, a 1999 M.A. in Anthropology by Harvard University, and a 1996 B.A.+M.A. in Geography and History from Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain. She is currently (since 2014) a Ramón y Cajal researcher and Lecturer at Universidad de la Laguna, Spain. She was a 2009 – 2013 Juan de La Cierva Post-doc at Universidad de La Laguna, Spain, a 2006 – 2008 Marie Curie IEF Post-doc at CNRS-UMR 6636, France and a 2004 – 2005 ASPR Post-doc Harvard University. She has collaborated in numerous European and American projects as expert geoarchaeologist-micromorphologist, has been PI of 3 consecutive research projects funded by the Leakey Foundation, Co-PI of a MISTI Global Seeds Fund project (MIT), and is currently PI of an ERC-CoG- 2014 grant (PALEOCHAR) and co-PI of a Spanish Government research project (HAR2015-68321-P). She is a reviewer for Geooarchaeology, Journal of Archaeological Science, Quaternary International, Journal of Human Evolution, Antiquity, NERC and SSHRC.