Célia Gonçalves

Researcher, ICArEHB

Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and Evolution of Human Behaviour (ICArEHB)
FCHS, University of Algarve
Campus de Gambelas
8005-139 Faro

(+351) 289 800 988

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6354-9437


Research Interests

–Prehistoric Archaeology (Europe and Africa)

–Environmental Archaeology

–Mobility and Settlement

–Patterns Spatial Analysis

–Predictive Modelling

–Geographical Information Systems

Short Bio

My academic background is interdisciplinary, I graduated in the area of ​​Cultural Heritage in 2006, and complete my Ph.D. in Archeology, with the thesis theme “Archaeological predictive models for location of new Mesolithic site”, at the University of Algarve, Portugal. I am currently (since 2015) a postdoctoral fellow at ICAREHB, University of Algarve.
Since the beginning of my PhD, I have collaborated in several European and African projects as a GIS specialist. As of 2018, I am co-PI (with João Cascalheira, Lino André and Nuno Bicho) of the project “In the turning of the tide: the last hunter-gatherers and the first farming communities and of Muge” (Central Portugal), financed by Earthwatch society.
The record of my scientific activity counts with 3 edited books, 11 publications in magazines with peer-review and more than 45 other publications as first author or in collaboration. I participated in more than 80 international and national professional conferences. I have also collaborated in the organization of international conferences (e.g., Iberian Quaternary Meeting, 150th Muge Shellmiddens, IV International Conference of Young Researchers in Archaeology) and exhibitions (e.g., The Prehistoric Origins of the Algarve Kingdom; The Vale Boi Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers; On the margins of the past: the Muge shellmiddens).


Papers in international peer-reviewed journals

• Gonçalves, C.; André, L.; Cascalheira, J. and Bicho, N. (2019). Der muschelhaufen von Cabeço da Amoreira in Muge, Portugal. Ergebnisse der archäologischen arbeiten des letzten jahrzehnts (2007–2017). Madrider Mitteilungen, 59: 1-21.

• Reis, H.; Gonçalves, C.; Santos, H. and Valera, A.C. (2019). Monte do Carrascal 2 (Southern Portugal): insights into lithic technology and intra-site spatial analysis of a Late Mesolithic hunting camp. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 23: 674-686.  Link

• Bicho, N.; Cascalheira, J.; André, L.; Haws, J.; Gomes, A.; Gonçalves, C.; Raja, M. and Benedetti, M. (2018). Portable Art and personal ornaments from Txina-Txina, a new LSA site in the Limpopo River Valley, southern Mozambique. Antiquity, 92(363), E2.  Link

• Bicho, N.; Cascalheira, J.; Haws, J. and Gonçalves, C. (2018). Middle Stone Age Technologies in Mozambique: A Preliminary Study of the Niassa and Massingir Regions. Journal of African Archaeology, 16(1): 60-82.  Link

• Gonçalves, C.; Cascalheira, J.; Costa, C.; Bárbara, S.; Matias, R. and Bicho, N. (2018). Detecting single events in large shell mounds: A GIS approach to Cabeço da Amoreira, Muge, Central Portugal. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 18: 1000-1010.  Link

• Cascalheira, J.; Bicho, N. and Gonçalves, C. (2017). A Google-based freeware solution for Archaeological survey and on-site artifact analysis. Advances in Archaeological Practice, 5(4): 328-339.  Link

• Bicho, N.; Cascalheira, J. and Gonçalves, C. (2017). Early Upper Paleolithic colonization across Europe: Time and mode of the Gravettian diffusion. PLoS ONE. 12(5): e0178506.  Link

• Bicho, N.; Cascacheira, J.; Gonçalves, C.; Umbelino, C.; García Rivero, D. and André, L. (2016). Resilience, replacement and acculturation in the Mesolithic/Neolithic transition: the case of Muge, central Portugal. Quaternary International, 446: 31-42.  Link

• Gonçalves, C.; Raja, M.; Madime, O.; Cascalheira, J.; Haws, J.; Matos, D. and Bicho, N. (2016). Mapping the Stone Age of Mozambique. African Archaeological Review, 33(1): 1-12.  Link

• Bicho, N.; Haws, J.; Raja, M.; Madime, O.; Gonçalves, C.; Cascalheira, J.; Benedetti, M.; Pereira. T. and Aldeias, V. (2015). Middle and Late Stone Age of the Niassa region, Northern Mozambique. Preliminary results. Quaternary International, 404(Part B): 87-99.  Link

• Gonçalves, C.; Cascalheira, J. and Bicho, N. (2014). Shellmiddens as landmarks: Visibility studies on the Mesolithic of the Muge valley (Central Portugal). Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36: 130-139.  Link

• Bicho, N.; Manne, T.; Marreiros, J.; Cascalheira, J.; Pereira, T.; Tátá, F.; Évora, M.; Gonçalves, C. and Infantini, L. (2013). The ecodynamics of the first modern humans in Southwestern Iberia: the case of Vale Boi, Portugal. Quaternary International, 318: 117-127.  Link

• Bicho, N.; Cascalheira, J.; Marreiros, J.; Gonçalves, C.; Pereira, T. and Dias, R. (2013). Chronology of the Mesolithic occupation of the Muge valley, central Portugal: The case of Cabeço da Amoreira. Quaternary International, 308-309: 130-139.  Link

• Cascalheira, J.; Bicho, N.; Marreiros, J.; Pereira, T.; Évora, M.; Cortés, M.; Gibaja, J.; Manne, T.; Regala, F.; Gonçalves, C. and Monteiro, P. (2012). Vale Boi (Algarve, Portugal) and the Solutrean in Southwestern Iberia. Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, 5(1): 455-468.  Link

Other types of publications

• Bicho, N.; Cascalheira, J.; Haws, J.; Horta, P.; Raja, M.; André, L.; Gomes, A.; Gonçalves, C.; Matias, R.; Zinsious, B. & Skosey-LaLonde, E. (2019). Txina Txina: A Later Stone Age Site from the Limpopo Basin in Southern Mozambique. Conference Abstracts of the East African Association for Paleoanthropology and Paleontology (EAAPP) Seventh Biennial: 4-5.  Link

• Regala, F.T.; Bicho, N.; Carvalho, F.; Cascalheira, J.; Gonçalves, C.; Luís, R.; Luís, V.; Mergulho, R.; Oliveira, B.; Pacheco, P.; Parreira, R.; Paulo, L.M.; Pinto, M.J.; Regala, J.T.; Santos, A. & Veiga-Pires, C. (2018). On Charles Bonnet’s path. Classic caves of the Algarve revisited – Part I. Poço dos Mouros, Igrejinha dos Soidos, Caverna do Guiné, Abismo and Ibn Ammar caves. Trogle 7: 36-105.

• Varela, J.; Bicho, N.; Gonçalves, C. & Cascalheira, J. (2017). Análise preliminar dos padrões de localização das grutas com arqueologia do Centro e Sul de Portugal. Actas do II Congresso da Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses: 779-790. Lisboa: Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses.

• Fonseca, S.; Gonçalves, C. and Autuori, J. (2017). Database Management of World Heritage. Application of new technologies on wine iconography from the Theban necropolis in Egypt. Proceedings from the Local Identity and Tourism Management on World Heritage Sites. Coimbra, 2017.

• Umbelino, C.; Gonçalves, C.; Figueiredo, O.; Pereira, T.; Cascalheira, J.; Marreiros, J. and Bicho, N. (2016). Human burials in the Mesolithic of Muge and the origins of social differentiation: the case of Cabeço da Amoreira Portugal. In J. Grünberg, B. Gramsch, L. Larsson, J. Orschiedt, H. Meller (eds.), Mesolithic burials – Rites, symbols and social organisation of early postglacial communities. International Conference, Halle, September 2013: 683- 692. Halle: Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte.

• Gonçalves, C.; Cascalheira, J.; Haws, J.; Raja, M. & Bicho, N. (2017). Padrões de povoamento da Idade da Pedra no vale do Lunho (Niassa, Moçambique). In A. Gomes, C. Gonçalves, L. André, N. Bicho, N. & T. Boski (eds.), Mudanças em sistemas ambientais e sua expressão temporal. Livro de Resumos da IX Reunião do Quaternário Ibérico [e-book], 21-23. Faro: Universidade do Algarve – CIMA & ICArEHB.

• Gonçalves, C.; Cascalheira, J.; Haws, J.; Raja, M. & Bicho, N. (2017). Reconstructing Stone Age Settlement Patterns in the Elephant river valley, Mozambique. Proceedings of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution, 6: 77.

• Gonçalves, C.; Gomes, A.; Cascalheira, J.; Raja, M.; Bicho, N. & Haws, J. (2017). Applying systematic sampling survey to evaluate Stone Age settlement in the Elephant River, Limpopo Basin, SW Mozambique. Abstracts of the Paleoanthropology Society 2017 Meeting. PaleoAnthropology Journal 2017: A12.  Link

• Umbelino, C.; Gonçalves, C.; Figueiredo, O.; Pereira, T.; Cascalheira, J.; Marreiros, J. & Bicho, N. (2016). Human burials in the Mesolithic of Muge and the origins of social differentiation: the case of Cabeço da Amoreira Portugal. In J. Grünberg, B. Gramsch, L. Larsson, J. Orschiedt, H. Meller (eds.), Mesolithic burials – Rites, symbols and social organisation of early postglacial communities. International Conference, Halle, September 2013: 683- 692. Halle: Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte.

• Gonçalves, C.; Cascalheira, J.; Haws, J.; Zinsious, B.; Raja, M. & Bicho, N. (2016). Stone Age settlement patterns in the Lunho valley (Niassa, Mozambique): GIS preliminary results. Proceedings of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution, 5: 110.

• Bicho, N.; Dias, R.; Pereira, T.; Cascalheira, J.; Marreiros, J.; Pereira, V. & Gonçalves, C. (2015). O Mesolítico e o Neolítico antigo: o caso dos concheiros de Muge. In V.S. Gonçalves, M. Diniz and A.C. Sousa (eds.), Proceedings of the 5º Congresso do Neolítico Peninsular – 7 a 9 de Abril de 2011: 631-638. Lisboa: UNIARQ.

• Gonçalves, C. (2015). O projeto Entre Tejo e Sado: uma contribuição para a descoberta de novos concheiros mesolíticos no centro de Portugal. Magos – Revista cultural do Concelho de Salvaterra de Magos, 2.

• Cascalheira, J.; Gonçalves, C. and Bicho, N. (2014). Smartphones and the use of customized Apps in archaeological projects. The SAA Archaeological Record, 14(5): 20-25.

• Gonçalves, C. (2013). Os Sistemas de Informação Geográfica na Arqueologia Portuguesa. In J. Arnaud, A. Martins e C. Neves (eds.), Arqueologia em Portugal, 150 anos. Actas do I Congresso da Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses: 127-133. Lisboa: Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses.

• Bicho, N.; Pereira, T.; Gonçalves, C.; Cascalheira, J.; Marreiros, J. & Dias, R. (2013). Os últimos caçadores-recolectores do vale do Tejo: novas perspectivas sobre os concheiros de Muge. Setúbal Arqueológica, 14: 57-68. [Proceedings of the International Conference Prehistory of Wetlands. Landscapes of Salt].

• Cascalheira, J. and Gonçalves, C. (2012). Spatial analysis and site formation processes of the mesolithic shellmidden of Cabeço da Amoreira (Muge, Portugal). In J. Cascalheira and C. Gonçalves (eds.), Promontoria Monografica, 16: 75-82. Faro: Universidade do Algarve. [Proceedings of the IV Young Researchers in Archaeology (JIA 2011)].

• Gonçalves, C.; Cascalheira, J. & Bicho, N. (2012). Preliminary Spatial Density Analysis in the Upper Paleolithic Rockshelter of Vale Boi (Southern Portugal). Abstracts of the Paleoanthropology Society 2012 Meeting. PaleoAnthropology Journal 2012: A14.  Link

• Gonçalves, C. (2011). Os Sistemas de Informação Geográfica como ferramenta de análise da ocupação do território na época mesolítica. O caso do Vale do Tejo. Estrat Crític Revista d´Arqueologia, 5(III): 145-155.

• Bicho, N.; Pereira, T.; Cascalheira, J.; Marreiros, J.; Pereira, V.; Jesus, L. & Gonçalves, C. (2010). Cabeço da Amoreira, Muge: resultados dos trabalhos de 2008 e 2009. In J. Gibaja, J. & A. Carvalho, A. (eds.), Os últimos caçadores-recolectores e as primeiras comunidades produtoras do Sul da Península Ibérica e do norte de Marrocos. Promontoria Monográfica, 15: 11-17.

• Gonçalves, C. (2009). Modelos preditivos em SIG na localização de sítios arqueológicos de cronologia mesolítica. In T. Boski, D. Moura & A. Gomes(eds.), O futuro do ambiente da Península Ibérica: as lições do passado geológico recente. Livro de Resumos da VII Reunião do Quaternário Ibérico: 187-189. Universidade do Algarve – CIMA: Faro.


Projects Coordination

• Since 2018: The Muge Shellmiddens Project: A new portal to the last hunter-gatherers the Tagus valley, Portugal (ALG-01-0145-FEDER-29680) (Co-P.I.: Cláudia Umbelino). Portuguese Science Foundation, PT – 240 000 €.
• Since 2018: At the turning of the tide: the last hunter-gatherers and the first farming communities and of Muge (Central Portugal) (Co-P.I. with João Cascalheira, Lino André and Nuno Bicho). EarthWatch Program, USA – since 50 000 € per year.
• 2013-2015: GIS predictive modelling for the discovery of new Mesolithic sites in Central Portugal. Funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, PT – 10 000 €.

Participation in Projects

• Since 2018: Quaternary environmental changes in Inhambane, Southeastern Mozambique, and their role in human evolution (PTDC/HAR-ARQ/28148/2017) (P.I.: Ana Gomes and Co-P.I.: Nuno Bicho). Project R&D funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, PT.
• Since 2018: Fire among Anatomically Modern Humans and Neandertals as revealed from Archaeological Microstratigraphic Evidence (FLAME) (PTDC/HAR-ARQ/29606/2017) (P.I.: Vera Aldeias and Co-P.I.: Carolina Mallol). Project R&D funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, PT.
• Since 2018: The origins and evolution of Human Cognition and the impact of Southwestern European coastal ecology (ALG-01-0145-FEDER-27833) (P.I.: Nuno Bicho and Co-P.I.: João Cascalheira). Portuguese Science Foundation, PT.
• Since 2018: Investigating the Earliest anatomically modern human occupation in southern Iberia (P.I.’s: Nuno Bicho and João Cascalheira). Institute for Field Research Fieldschool, USA.
• Since 2016: The Dehesilla cave project (PI: Daniel García Rivero). Funded by the Junta de Andalucía, SP.
• 2015-2018: Stone Age Vilankulos: Modern Human Origins Research south of the Rio Save, Mozambique (P.I.: Jonhathan Haws). Funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation, PT.
• 2017: Middle and Late Stone Archaeology in Machampane Valley, Limpopo River basin, southern Mozambique (P.I.: Nuno Bicho). Funded by National Geographic Society, USA.
• 2013-2015: Middle Stone Age archaeology and the origins of modern humans in Southern Mozambique (P.I.: Nuno Bicho). Funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation, PT.
• 2012-2014: The last Neanderthals and the emergence of Modern Humans in Southwestern Iberia (P.I.: Nuno Bicho). Funded by Portuguese Science Foundation, PT and Wenner-Grenn Foundation, USA.
• 2011-2013: The last hunter-gatherers of Muge (Portugal): the origins of social complexity (P.I.: Nuno Bicho). Funded by Portuguese Science Foundation, PT.

Grants & Fellowships

• 2018-2021: Portuguese National Science Foundation. The Muge Shellmiddens Project: A new portal to the last hunter-gatherers the Tagus valley, Portugal – 240,000€ over 3 years
• 2015-2019: ICArEHB Post-Doctoral Fellowship
• 2013-2014: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Project Between Tejo and Sado valleys: Predictive models for location of new Mesolithic sites – 10,000€ over 2 years
• 2012: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology – Participation grant for poster contribution in the CAA 2012, Southampton
• 2012: Paleoanthropology Society – Travel grant to participation in the Paleoanthropology Annual Meetings 2012, Memphis, USA – 750$
• 2010 – 2013: Portuguese National Science Foundation. Ph.D. Fellowship (SFRH/BD/64197/2009) – 47,040€ over 4 years