Welcome to the Archaeological “dirt” laboratory (ArchaeoDirt)
We treat archaeological sediments and soils as artifacts.
The ArchaeDirt facility is equipped for the preparation and analysis of archaeological sediments with particular attention on the preparation of archaeological micromorphology blocks and grain size analysis.
The lab is where we also conduct experimental work into the effects of heating in sediments and soils
The lab houses a compact muffle furnace (30-3000 ºC), a hotte, a cooled incubator (INCU-line 750 CR Premium), a diamond table saw, a test Sieve shaker and high-temperature thermometer with thermocoules (PCE-T390)
The lab hosts a collection of impregnated blocks from a variety of archaeological sites where the ICArEHB team conducts geoarchaeological research
For further inquiries, contact Vera Aldeias (vlaldeias@ualg.pt)